Welcome to the Chahine Lab!
We are interested in developing new therapies for cartilaginous tissues in the musculoskeletal system. Our focus is on spinal intervertebral discs, where we apply tools of bioengineering and biomechanics to understand degeneration and to develop regenerative strategies. We are also developing diagnostics biomarkers for back pain, the leading cause of disability worldwide.
Tim Jacobsen defends his PhD!
Congratulations to Tim Jacobsen, a graduate student in the Biomedical Engineering PhD Program, on receiving the ORS PSRS Trainee Poster Award for Outstanding Scientific Research. Tim presented a poster entitled, "Disc Herniation Severity is Associated with Increased Cellular Hydraulic Permeability" at the 2017 ORS PSRS 4th International Spine Symposium in Lake Harmony, PA.
The Chahine lab welcomes Kevin Anton. Kevin is joining the lab as a new M.S. student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Columbia.
Post doctoral scientist Bhranti Shah, PhD was selected as a winner of the New Investigator Research Award at the 2017 Orthopedic Research Society Meeting in San Diego, CA. She was awarded for her abstract and presentation titled 'High Mobility Group Box-1 Promotes Pro-inflammatory Signaling in Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells via Toll-Like Receptor 4' . Congrats to Bhranti and team!